
Are you the best you can be?

Are you the best you can be?

By Rishi Saraf  12-Feb-2017 :

Author of Leadership Dharma : Arjuna The Timeless Metaphor, Raghu Ananthanarayanan shares how we can find out our calling :

1. Everyone is gifted with something unique. We should not make effort to change ourselves into something else that we are not. Just like a mango seed will effortlessly grow into mango not something else.

2. Understand what you are gifted with. Discover & nurture this seed in you. How do you do it?… by listening to the call.

3. There are 5 types of calls:

(a) Call to create order. This type of person feels there is place for everything and everything must be kept in it’s place. Eg Yudhistir, eldest of the Pandavas.

(b) Call to create adventure. This type of person does not like order, rather he is a doer. Eg Bhim, strongest of the Pandavas.

(c) Call for compassion. This type of person likes to care for people or animals. Eg Nakula.

(d) Call to knowledge. This type of person like to research the causes & cure of any problem. He is different from the man with compassion.

(e) This type likes to stand outside the current situation & ask the question “are we doing the right thing or not”. Eg Arjuna, Mahatma Gandhi, Steve Jobs…

4. Krishna is not some person outside, he is within us. Ram, Ravan, Arjun all are inside us. The answers to all our questions are also within us, although we do not know how to seek those answers.

5. Our intuition provides us the answers but we do not listen to it. We need to trust our intuitions.

6. Reading books will help you find out your calling, your answers. But read with the intent to reflect upon what you are reading.

7. Real joy will come from doing something meaningful and purposeful. Find out what it is for you.

8. Ask yourself, how can i stay with purpose without being distracted.

9. Ask yourself, in doing what I am doing, what am I really doing. Who am I, where am I, why am I here.

He was speaking at VMA.

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